Tuesday, February 27, 2018


The purpose of the Paradigm Blog is to challenge ourselves. We need to examine why we think the way we think and why we do the things we do. If any one of you were to go to a new town to start a church you would probably start a church that looks very similar to the church you left. I know because I have done that. Oh, we might make some changes and improvements, but in reality it will look very much like the previous church. That would be great, but we started the Paradigm series talking about our frustrations and concerns about not getting results. 
Obviously, in a blog post I can't explore the many causes of this problem. However, I want to mention several things we need to consider. We need revelation and understanding. But how much in depth Bible study have you done in the past several months or past several years? I'm not talking about at a Bible School, but doing studies in the Word - research, prayer, meditating, asking other people, and persisting until you get answers. The one thing that will change your life and ministry is revelation from God and understanding what He says. We may be trying to help people and teach and preach but all we have for them are the lessons taught by others. Thank God for teachers and lessons. I am trying to teach you in lessons, blogs, videos, and conference. BUT the Holy Spirit is your teacher. Get with Him and the Word and see what you learn. 
The second point I want to make involves this question. What do you do with new revelation and understanding? I have seen people get an understanding of a spiritual principle but still live by their previous understanding. It makes no sense! The light goes on about prayer but their prayer habits don't change. Perhaps they learn about the power of praying in the Spirit, but then they seldom do it. It drives me crazy particularly when I am the one I am talking about it. 
Here's a a hard Truth. We do what we believe! If you want to know what someone believes simply observe what they do. They may say they believe something, but if they aren't doing it then they don't really believe it. Want to know what you believe - not what you think or say you believe - then look at what you do. Don't let someone tell you that they believe in prayer,,,,,, but they don't pray. You get the idea.
And now the agonizing conclusion. For a long time we have talked about how we have a relationship with God, not religion. First, you might be surprised at how many things you do because of religion, but that is a point for another day. But let's get back to relationship. I have a relationship with the guard in my building. I know his name and talk to him. I have a relationship with people at the store, neighbors, old high school friends. You know what. I have relationships with them but I am not close to them. Yes, you may have a relationship with God, but He desires intimacy, closeness, and love. Maybe not you, but way too many leaders have a relationship with the Lord but they don't have a close and intimate family relationship with Him. You may have served Him for years, but do you know Him? 
All Power flows from your closeness with God.  
Is the Power of God flowing through you? 
I think you can see what I am saying. 
The good news is that you can do the works Jesus did...and even greater works because he went to be with the Father and sent the Holy Spirit. You can have intimacy with God.... And walk in POWER!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


What is a paradigm? Simply stated, a paradigm is a way of looking at something. It is a perspective or a set of ideas. It can also be understood as a set of assumptions that enable you to understand things. It is a model for understanding. A paradigm shift is a change of approach or change in underlying assumptions. 

We all have paradigms.....ways of understanding things. Even when it comes to Biblical things. When we study the Bible our perspective determines how we understand a passage of scripture. Christians who believe in healing today will interpret scripture differently than someone who doesn't think God heals today. Someone who believes in speaking in tongues understands the Baptism of the Holy Ghost in a totally different way than someone who doesn't. 

You are a product of what you have been taught. It's not impossible but it is very difficult to see things in a new light when studying scripture. Difficult..... but not impossible if you ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. That is what you must do as we proceed on this journey to learn to be effective in ministry and do things in a Biblical way. You will need to judge the points being made by the Word of God not by what you have always been taught. You may need a paradigm shift. 

Let me give you some examples. A Yale University researcher studied the church from the year 100 to 400 AD. This secular researcher concluded that one of the greatest causes of church growth in that time period was the evidence of miracles, healings, and deliverance as the Word was preached. This professor, who wasn't a Christian, saw the reports of supernatural ministry and how the church grew exponentially. A  professor of religion who didn't believe in miracles and supernatural ministry after the time of the Apostles wrote a book about the same period of history. He barely mentioned miracles and didn't mention any impact on church growth. 

Cessationists are Christians who believe that miracles ended with the death of the last Apostle. They interpret scripture differently than Pentecostals. For example, a cessationist Bible commentator commented on Mark 16:17. He said that although it says these signs will follow those who believe, they will cast out demons, speak with new tongues, and heal the sick, that doesn't mean it will happen today. It happened after Jesus in the Book of Acts and if it happened even once then the scripture was true, but we shouldn't expect a miracle today. You and I would interpret that scripture differently....and do! It's because our perspective or paradigm is different. 

The question arises, What have you believed and done as a ministry because of your perspective that is wrong? Good intentions and love of God are great. But if you are wrong and don't do things the way Jesus did then you won't get the results Jesus got. How about spiritual warfare? I am going to teach a course on spiritual warfare because I think our paradigm has been wrong. We have been taught to bind principalities in the heavens over our city. But when did Jesus do that? Or the disciples? Where in the Bible are we taught to do that and how to do it? In other words, what is the Biblical basis for that "ministry"? We have people confronting principalities and strongholds, binding them, and pulling them down. But most of these people who do that have never cast a demon out of anyone. Casting out demons is something Jesus did. It is in the Gospels. The disciples did it too in the Gospels and the Book of Acts. Interesting, isn't it? We do this high-level spiritual warfare that Jesus didn't do but don't engage in deliverance which was the warfare that He did do. Why? Because that is what we were taught. We need a paradigm shift! 

Here's another paradigm that needs changing. Other than in James 5 you don't see prayer in the New Testament for healing. How did Jesus heal? How did the disciples heal? I find it interesting that after teaching people on healing and they actually see and understand what the scriptures teach, they will always go back to doing what they had always done. Most beg God for a healing. "Oh God please heal my brother. He needs to be healed. and on and on." We need a paradigm shift!

The only way your perspective will be changed is to hear the Truth, study the scriptures, and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. You can know Truth and do ministry the way Jesus did it. Study..... don't just listen to me and agree. Let the Holy Spirit teach you. 

We can refuse to change our perspective and continue to do the same things, But THAT'S INSANITY!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


I was watching a discipleship video and heard the old American saying, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results." There is so much truth in that statement. It describes where we are. We want to change our nation with the Gospel of Jesus. We want to make disciples as commanded. And we have been trying for many years. Usually it leads to frustration but then we feel guilty for being frustrated, so we make a commitment to press on. But what do we continue doing? The same things we have been doing? 
                                 THAT'S INSANITY!. 
I have talked with many of you about the frustrations of ministry. Listen to what one person told me, "we have tried many ways and nothing seems to work. I don't feel satisfied. I feel I have reached the point of total frustration. But I still don't give up." I can identify because that is exactly where I have been.

Let's try a new path...... Not some new revelation or doctrine or method. Let's try it the Biblical way! You may protest and say that we have been doing it by the Bible. What if I show you that you have been doing what you were taught that was supposedly based on the Bible. But are you doing ministry the way Jesus did it? The way we see it in the Book of Acts? It's not that we have been doing unbiblical or bad things. It's just what we have been doing hasn't been working. A main reason it hasn't worked is that although there is truth in what we were taught A LOT of other stuff was added! Ministry today, what you and I have been doing, doesn't look much like what Jesus did. That is sad because what Jesus and the disciples did, WORKED! 

Can you handle some tough questions? I had to swallow my pride in order to answer these. Don't be offended and don't send me your answers. But reflect and pray.

1. How many people have you prayed with this week outside of church?
2. How many people have you ministered healing to outside of the church in the past week or month? How many have been healed?
3. How many people have you led to Jesus this week? This month? In the past year? How many have you shared the Gospel with? How many have you testified to?
4. How many people have been delivered of demons, drugs, or other problems by your supernatural ministry?
5. How many disciples have you made? How many disciplemakers have you made? 

Ouch! That hurts. Tough questions. Actually I left the tough questions out. Questions like how intimate is your relationship with God? What time did you get up to pray this morning? How much Bible study have you done this week besides to prepare a sermon or teaching? Those questions deserve reflection also. 

Don't be condemned. Conviction of the Holy Spirit may come as you pray and reflect. That can be good. Ask for forgiveness. And let's change. Don't make a commitment to try and do more and more. And then try to do it in your own strength. Let's find God's way. 

I believe that despite good intentions, I have had many things wrong. Not only have I been ineffective in much of the ministry I have done but I have actually brought a lot of the problems on myself. We need to examine by the Word of God some things we have been taught. I know there is a better way. A way that will enable us to be closer to God and effective in our ministry. I know you and I can do the works Jesus did and get the results Jesus got. And we can do it without the stress and frustration we have now. And we can teach others! Finally, we can change Venezuela, the way Jesus and His disciples changed the world and are still changing it.