Tuesday, January 16, 2018


I was watching a discipleship video and heard the old American saying, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results." There is so much truth in that statement. It describes where we are. We want to change our nation with the Gospel of Jesus. We want to make disciples as commanded. And we have been trying for many years. Usually it leads to frustration but then we feel guilty for being frustrated, so we make a commitment to press on. But what do we continue doing? The same things we have been doing? 
                                 THAT'S INSANITY!. 
I have talked with many of you about the frustrations of ministry. Listen to what one person told me, "we have tried many ways and nothing seems to work. I don't feel satisfied. I feel I have reached the point of total frustration. But I still don't give up." I can identify because that is exactly where I have been.

Let's try a new path...... Not some new revelation or doctrine or method. Let's try it the Biblical way! You may protest and say that we have been doing it by the Bible. What if I show you that you have been doing what you were taught that was supposedly based on the Bible. But are you doing ministry the way Jesus did it? The way we see it in the Book of Acts? It's not that we have been doing unbiblical or bad things. It's just what we have been doing hasn't been working. A main reason it hasn't worked is that although there is truth in what we were taught A LOT of other stuff was added! Ministry today, what you and I have been doing, doesn't look much like what Jesus did. That is sad because what Jesus and the disciples did, WORKED! 

Can you handle some tough questions? I had to swallow my pride in order to answer these. Don't be offended and don't send me your answers. But reflect and pray.

1. How many people have you prayed with this week outside of church?
2. How many people have you ministered healing to outside of the church in the past week or month? How many have been healed?
3. How many people have you led to Jesus this week? This month? In the past year? How many have you shared the Gospel with? How many have you testified to?
4. How many people have been delivered of demons, drugs, or other problems by your supernatural ministry?
5. How many disciples have you made? How many disciplemakers have you made? 

Ouch! That hurts. Tough questions. Actually I left the tough questions out. Questions like how intimate is your relationship with God? What time did you get up to pray this morning? How much Bible study have you done this week besides to prepare a sermon or teaching? Those questions deserve reflection also. 

Don't be condemned. Conviction of the Holy Spirit may come as you pray and reflect. That can be good. Ask for forgiveness. And let's change. Don't make a commitment to try and do more and more. And then try to do it in your own strength. Let's find God's way. 

I believe that despite good intentions, I have had many things wrong. Not only have I been ineffective in much of the ministry I have done but I have actually brought a lot of the problems on myself. We need to examine by the Word of God some things we have been taught. I know there is a better way. A way that will enable us to be closer to God and effective in our ministry. I know you and I can do the works Jesus did and get the results Jesus got. And we can do it without the stress and frustration we have now. And we can teach others! Finally, we can change Venezuela, the way Jesus and His disciples changed the world and are still changing it.  

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